
Check-in and Breakfast 8:00AM – 9:00AM

The doors will open promptly at 8:00am to begin checking in attendees. You’ll need to bring your ticket and photo id with you to check in. Once you’re in, you’ll pick up your name badge, handouts, and any awesome sponsor swag and then head over to the breakfast area to start networking!

Interactive Keynote Panel 9:00AM – 10:30AM

Join an amazing group of thought leaders and influencers for an interactive discussion and Q&A session covering the future of connecting digitally.

Breakout Session 1 10:45AM – 11:45AM

Head to the first session of your choosing. Visit the sessions page or check your program for details.

Lunch 11:45AM – 1:30PM

Enjoy lunch in KSU’s beautiful Commons dining hall, featuring fresh foods from around the world. It’s just a short walk across campus, so be on the look out for signs and staff members pointing the way.

Breakout Session 2 1:45PM – 2:45PM

Head to the second session of your choosing. Visit the sessions page or check your program for details.

Breakout Session 3 3:00PM – 4:00PM

Head to the third and final session of your choosing. Visit the sessions page or check your program for details.

Breakout Session Schedule:

10:45 – 11:45

Rip Off the Band-Aid and Blog Already!

Taking your Social Marketing Program from #2Dto3D

Social Media Strategy in 3 Words

YouTube is the Next Big Thing (that already is)

Maintaining Your Company’s Voice in Dynamic Social Media

Eff-Yeah, Content Marketing!

1:45 – 2:45

Social Sauce – Tap into New Media to Launch a New Product

PR, Politics + Social Media: Why Traditional Communications Won’t Work for Innovative/Forward-Thinking Politicians and Government Agencies

LinkedIn as a Career Advancement Tool

Social Chaos: Moving from Panic to Plan

Posting with a Purpose: Building Sales Pipeline Through B2B Social Media

How to Build a First Class Social Media Campaign on a Coach Budget

3:00 – 4:00

How to Build Your Brand with Visual Social Media

The Power of Personal Branding Through the Use of Social Media

How to Nurture B2B Leads through Social Media and Email Marketing

Breaking Down Silos with Social Media

When “It” Hits the Fan

Lifecycle Marketing: 7 Strategies Businesses are Using Right Now to Attract New Customers, Maximize Profits, and Thrive